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رسالة من الرئيس

Wafa Madanat_edited.jpg

Wafa Madanat, MD

President of the Jordanian Society for Rheumatology
President of the JSR 2023 Congress

Dear colleagues and partners,

Welcome to the official website of the Jordanian Society of Rheumatology (JSR).

This year in May 2022, we celebrated the 20th anniversary of the foundation of the JSR.

Since its establishment, the society has grown, and the number of members has increased to 36. Lately, pediatric rheumatology has been recognized as a subspecialty in Jordan. As a result, five pediatric rheumatologists joined the JSR.

During this period, the society continued to fulfill its goals through various activities to provide high-quality care to patients with rheumatic diseases in the country; monthly scientific meetings are organized where members share their experiences.

The society organized 6 International Jordanian and two pan Arab Rheumatology congresses; the last one was the 6th International Jordanian Rheumatology Congress in conjunction with the ArLAR21 Jordan e-Congress, which was organized virtually in March 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, the society organized the first Levant Rheumatology Summit in March 2022.

The society is a founding member of the Arab League of Associations for Rheumatology (ArLAR) and a member of the Asia Pacific League of Associations for Rheumatology (APLAR).      

Members of the society are actively engaged in different activities of the ArLAR committees and Special Interest Groups.

The new board of directors and I are honored to have the trust of our colleagues. We promise to continue improving the previous boards' successful educational tradition for the next three years (2022-2025), supported by your ideas and active participation.


النشاطات والمؤتمرات

مؤتمر JSR ٢٠٢٣ 
توعية العامة والمرضى
للأطباء والمهن الصحية
الأطباء أعضاء الجمعية

سياسة الخصوصية

روابط سريعة

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يرجى العلم أن الجمعية (JSR)  لا تستقبل حجز مواعيد لأي من أعضائها. إذا كنت ترغب في حجز موعد مع احد الاعضاء ،فيرجى التوجه إلى صفحة "ابحث عن طبيبك"  للعثور على تفاصيل الاتصال بطبيبك أخصائي الروماتيزم.

شكرا للتواصلك معنا

Contact us the JSR

Kindly note that the JSR DOES NOT accept bookings for any of its members. If you wish to make a booking, please head over to the "Find a Rheumatologist" page and find the contact details of the doctor of your choosing.

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